# Config

# Default Admins

If you want an enumerated list of admins, then go to auth.ex and add the desired admins to the @site_admins module attribute at the top like this:

  @site_admins ~w[
    # add email addresses of site admins here

# Releases

Phoenix Igniter is configured for mix releases and already set up to deploy to Render. To do this, go to your repo on Gitlab, click the "deploy to Render" and then follow the directions in the README file of your repository.

If you prefer to use Distillery, then you'll need to follow the following steps:

  • delete build.sh at the base level of the app
  • in the config directory, rename mix.releases.exs to prod.secret.exs
  • comment out the line: config :app, AppWeb.Endpoint, server: true
  • add import_config "prod.secret.exs" to the bottom of `prod.exs
  • add Distillery to your deps in mix.exs and follow its install guide.